what will u do when u are stress? me? of course i will go for window shopping!! n sometimes impulse buying will happen... huhuhu... then budget bulan tu mesti lari... lari dan lari...
actually, how to overcome this problem in a right way? errrrrmmm.... i think this is subjective n it's depend on that person... setiap org ada cara tersendiri on how to overcome that problem... kan?
the most important is... try to avoid it! jgn stress... make it simple... jgn fikir sgt... tp, bila tak nak fikir, benda tu datang sendiri.... so... tepuk dada tanya iman... think about the effects of stress... byk sgt... salah satu yg plg mengerikan... org yg selalu stress, risiko nak kena heart attack tinggi sgt... nauzubillah... menakutkan...
so... jgn fikir banyak sgt... just enjoy our life...
to overcome stress? window shopping and makan2 and movies! hehe..
ReplyDeletebut having someone to talk to around is the best..miss u!
miss u too... can't to diped sbb nanti kita bleh jumpa...
ReplyDelete** ralat tu... can't wait to diped **
ReplyDeleteKekadang kan kak stress nie kita sendiri yg cari hehe padahal xde pe pun kita jer iya2 fikir smpi sndiri stress. Mcm asna la haha ;D
ReplyDeletebetul tu asna... kadang2 kita yg over... sama la mcm akak :)